Reiki and the Seven Chakras

Being of Japanese origin, Reiki did not traditionally make use of the chakra system. Instead, it saw things principally in  terms of three main energy centres – called haras – which equated with what we know as the  2nd, 4th and  6th chakras.7 main chakras (i.e, energy centres) in the body are associated with so many health issues; it makes sense to use them in our healing, even if this diverges somewhat from Usui’s original practice.

First Chakra

The first (root) is the base for all other chakras. The root chakra deals with physical manifestation. It simulates our basic survival instincts, If it is balanced we will feel well-grounded and confident in our ability to get what we want. The root chakra is related to material things, so a strong root chakra will give us strength to accumulate money and goods.

Our basic sexual drives and physical vigor are also connected to the root chakra. If our root chakra is unbalanced, we can grow weak, sick, greedy, violent and fearful. The colour associated with the root chakra is RED. The element associated with the root chakra is ‘earth’. Physical problems associated with the root chakra are:

Complaints of bones, teeth and spine

Diseases affecting regenerative power of body

Constipation, haemorrhoids, fatigue, apathy, lack of energy and skin problems.

Second Chakra

The second chakra (hara) is also known as the ‘sexual chakra’. Unlike the first chakra that is primarily related to sexual instincts, however, the second chakra deals with emotions and ideas associated with sex. This is connected to the element of water, so it is linked to the emotions. The second chakra also has to do with creativity. The colour associated with it is ORANGE. Physical problems associated :

Sexual imbalance, lack of libido, allergies, infection, disease of organs processing liquids (kidney, bladder, lymph glands)


Truth behind Chakra